5 Signs of Low Testosterone Men Should Not Ignore

Necessary for the growth of male sexual characteristics, sperm production, and muscular mass, testosterone also supports a man’s overall health and well-being. Testosterone levels are greatest in older adolescent and young adult men. At about age 35, the testicles start diminishing production of testosterone as a result of age-related physiological changes in the endocrine system. Occasionally called “androgen deficiency” or “low T”, decreasing testosterone levels in men frequently cause symptoms that greatly lower the quality of life in elderly men.

5 Evidence of Low Testosterone

1.      Erectile Dysfunction

If you are a man over 35, haven’t had problems with having an erection, and are slowly finding it more difficult to achieve and maintain an erection, then you might be suffering from low testosterone. Doctors are not exactly certain how testosterone results in attaining an erection but understand through research that men who have low T undergo more incidences of erectile dysfunction than men with normal testosterone levels.

2.      Lack of Interest in Sex (Low Libido)

Testosterone is the principal hormone responsible for a man’s libido. Low libido might also play a part in why men with androgen deficiency suffer from an erection. A compound called nitric oxide is necessary to alleviate erections and testosterone stimulates brain receptors which “inform” blood vessels to begin releasing nitric oxide.

3.      Insufficient Energy/Fatigue

Men over 45 who start feeling exhausted all of the time despite the fact that they are getting sufficient sleep might be experiencing reduced T. Testosterone plays a significant part in regulating metabolism in a man’s late teens and 20s. Without sufficient testosterone in the blood, metabolism amounts tend to fall, together with a man’s energy and endurance.

4.      Increased Body Fat/Loss of Muscle Mass

Men who stay physically active and eat a nutritious diet may observe an accumulation of abdominal fat and decreased muscle mass should they have low T. Excess breast tissue is also a frequent indication of low testosterone.

5.      Changes to Disposition and Cognition

Exactly like estrogen helps medium mood and enhance concentration and memory of women, testosterone can also be partly responsible for a person’s cognitive and mental wellness. Research shows that raising testosterone levels in older men can enhance aspects of cognition and memory.

All-Natural Ways to Boost Your Testosterone | Invigorate Health Hormone Replacement Therapy

Should you suspect low T is causing these symptoms, here Are a Few Tips from our male hormone therapy doctors that might help boost production of testosterone:

·       Get Enough Quality Sleep

Throughout the rapid eye movement (REM) period of sleep, testosterone levels are at their greatest. Sleep is crucial for rebuilding and replenishing all bodily methods, including the endocrine system which is responsible for stimulating testosterone release. One study found that men sleeping for just four hours had significantly lower blood glucose levels than men who slept eight consecutive hours.

·       Eating Well and Maintaining a Healthy Weight

Obesity, smoking and taking alcohol or drugs can hinder the capability of the testicles to produce sufficient testosterone to stop symptoms of reduced T. Testosterone production surely depends upon your general health but especially is based upon the health of your circulatory and endocrine systems. Carrying too much weight, placing carcinogenic compounds in your blood, and abusing addictive substances can all have a negative influence on a man’s testosterone levels.

·       Reduce Stress in Your Life

Once the body is continually under pressure, whether physical or psychological, a hormone known as cortisol floods the blood that will assist you to react to stress. Regrettably, sustained elevated levels of cortisol can lead to many health problems, such as hypertension, higher cholesterol, seizures, and reduced testosterone. The American Heart Association proposes spending some time outdoors walking, hiking, and simply “getting away from it all” frequently to decrease stress.

·       Hormone Replacement Therapy for Treating Low T

The simplest and best method of treatment men relies on now to replenish testosterone reduction after 40 is hormone replacement therapy (HRT), available at our Long Island hormone therapy clinic. Hormones have been derived from organic, plant estrogens which are virtually identical chemically to estrogen, testosterone, and other hormones. Additionally, HRT doesn’t take the health dangers that artificial hormones take, for example, cancer, blood clots, and cardiovascular disease.

Should you suspect you have low T, contact us today at 615-288-4777 or book your schedule online by clicking the button below to find out more about the many advantages of HRT.

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