DiamondGlow vs. Hydrafacial – Why the DiamondGlow Facial Treatment is Better?

If you’re seeking a treatment that can nourish, refine, and polish your skin, we at Invigorate Health in Long Island, NY, recommend the latest and greatest in facial technology: the DiamondGlow. It gives your complexion a fresh glow, erases fine lines, improves tone and texture, and even corrects acne. As a non-invasive therapy, it is perhaps one of the most effective options available. And before you think it’s just another facial, our skin specialist doctors recommend you think again.

DiamondGlow vs HydraFacial

They both check the same boxes to deeply cleanse the skin, extract impurities, and infuse with nourishing serums. But the DiamondGlow (DG) goes a step further to achieve one more crucial task: exfoliating your face using a diamond tip.

Exfoliation is the key to keeping your skin smooth and soft. It buffs away and removes dead skin cells that, when left to their own devices, can sit and cluster on your facial surface. They then contribute to rough patches, dull skin that absorbs rather than reflects light, and congested pores.

Benefits of Routine Regular DiamondGlow Treatment | A Non-Invasive Skin Therapy in Long Island

Help for Natural Processes

It’s true your skin naturally sheds every month or so. It’s designed to do this to replace dead cells with new ones. But this process can go awry, leaving dead cells to sit on the surface longer than they should. Exfoliating helps your body remove these cells with greater efficiency, allowing pores to breathe and new tissues to emerge.

The HydraFacial does not effectively exfoliate, it only penetrates superficially, whereas the DiamondGlow on the other hand, resurfaces skin so the fast-acting serums can sink deep into underlying tissues. It’s also entirely customizable to provide the treatment that suits your needs, rather than a generalized therapy that benefits the average person grappling with average concerns.

Two Treatments with Different Goals

The DiamondGlow also achieves different goals than the HydraFacial. For instance, it is designed to cleanse, exfoliate, extract, and hydrate while also flushing away toxins and stimulating blood flow. The HydraFacial, on the other hand, is a relaxing treatment intended more for cosmetic, rather than clinical, purposes. This means DiamondGlow provides more corrective care to address active acne, rough patches, a dull complexion, dryness, and fine lines.

We must also point out another key difference: each DiamondGlow treatment you receive in our Long Island skin-care clinic will build upon the last so your results continue to develop and improve. This helps you enjoy longer-lasting effects that don’t fade after a mere week. A more traditional facial, on the other hand, only maintain results with each subsequent treatment.

Drain the Lymphatic System

Compared to all other facials on the market, the latest acne treatment in Long Island has the ability to drain your lymphatic system which is unique to DiamondGlow. The direction and length of the pressure applied are intended to help move toxins (drain the lymphatic nodes) for a healthier, clearer complexion. As those toxins are processed by the body for removal, your skin will also look more refreshed with a youthful, luminescent glow.

Lymphatic drainage offers additional benefits as well. It can reduce puffiness in the face, improve eczema, and reduce acne. It can also:

  • Fight off infection
  • Improve scar tissue
  • Reduce stress and fatigue
  • Help in post-workout recoveries

Medical Grade Serums

Serums earn a lot of media attention, and for good reason. They can brighten your complexion, moisturize dry tissues, and otherwise help transform your appearance. But not all serums are created equally. For proof, consider those used in the DiamondGlow treatment versus the HydraFacial. The former incorporates medical-grade serums that:

  • Deliver antioxidants
  • Refine pores
  • Address discoloration
  • Hydrate depleted tissues

The HydraFacial uses boosters (not serums) that can ease redness and improve texture. A world of difference separates these two groups, like those in the DiamondGlow effectively correct visible signs of aging.

What Exactly Is This Treatment?

A DiamondGlow treatment is unlike any other available facial. Each step is provided by a signature wand, built with proprietary technology to simultaneously exfoliate, extract debris, and nourish the skin. The real difference, however, is in the recessed diamond tip. This treatment doesn’t incorporate just one tip but instead offers six that individually address specific skin concerns.

What does this mean? That treatment is customized to suit your skin. For instance, if you have acne, you need a different treatment than someone who wants to address the signs of aging. Choosing the wrong product or device can actually be damaging, which is why the DiamondGlow is such a universally successful treatment. It targets your precise issues, giving your skin the nutrients and care it needs.

The Perfect Technique

Sometimes, facials targeted to all skin types end up being too gentle or, conversely, too harsh. In the case of the former, they relax facial muscles with a pleasant massage but don’t target any real concerns. Likewise, when facials are too harsh, they strip the skin’s natural moisture barrier and cause additional irritation.

With customizable tips, the DiamondGlow maintains the perfect balance between gentle and effective. And with our skin specialist doctor’s guidance, you can embark on a skincare regimen that benefits your unique skin type.

Picking the Right Infusions

We hand-pick the serums used at the end of treatment to infuse your skin. A member of our Long Island skin-care clinic will review your concerns, determine your skin type, and then choose from one of the various formulations intended to correct a specific concern. They are:

  • Pore Clarifying
  • Vitamin C
  • TNS Advanced
  • Skin Brightening
  • Ultra-Hydrating

Real Results

Clinical studies show the DiamondGlow facial delivers real, tangible results. One survey revealed that immediately after treatment, 100% of patients reported deeply cleansed skin that felt firmer and looked more radiant. In addition, 95% of patients reported the treatment was enjoyable overall and believed their skin looked and felt plumper.

How It Works

This three-in-one treatment is delivered with a handheld wand. As we move the wand across your face, it sucks out dead skin that’s loosened by the diamond tip. And in case you’re wondering, actual crushed diamonds do comprise the tip. You, therefore, have a treatment that, as dead skin is kicked up, instantly sucks it into a small plastic container. For many patients, seeing that container at the end of their session is a most satisfying experience.

The handheld wand is comprised of a closed-loop vacuum. Each pass completely exfoliates your skin so it immediately looks clearer and brighter. Your face will also feel smoother and makeup will go on more easily. As the final step, serums are delivered to polish and seal tissues.

Unique Features

If you’re worried about the feel of this treatment, rest assured it’s as relaxing as a face massage. Many patients, in fact, report nearly falling asleep as we work to remove dirt, makeup, and debris from their faces.

The DiamondGlow device is delicate enough to work under the eyes; this is great news for those who suffer from dark circles or puffiness. In addition, this is the only facial device safe for plumping and adding volume to the lips. And DiamondGlow is FDA approved for treating active acne, including cystic acne. It can also be used on the neck to remove wrinkles and crepey skin.

Reasons to Have Treatment

If you want to invest in self-care but don’t have quantities of free time, DiamondGlow is likely the right treatment for you. The three-in-one technology allows each of the treatment’s facets to work at once, maximizing every second you’re in our office. It likewise delivers targeted nourishment at the most ideal time: when pores are open and most receptive. Other facials perform the steps of exfoliation, extraction, and infusion separately, thereby reducing their efficacy.

Many call this a glow-and-go treatment because it takes just 30 minutes. In exchange for this minimal commitment, results from one treatment can last up to six weeks. We generally recommend three total sessions delivered four to six weeks apart. Once we achieve the desired results, you can then schedule maintenance appointments every three to four months.

No Waiting for Results

Whereas a number of cosmetic treatments force you to wait several weeks to see the fruits of your efforts, those from DiamondGlow develop immediately. Consider these findings from a clinical study:

  • 89% of patients witnessed immediate improvements to hydration
  • 90% experienced an increase in skin radiance
  • 95% reported their skin looked more youthful

Who Is This Right for?

Because the DiamondGlow is so highly customizable, it suits all skin types and textures. Those with fine lines, sun damage, melasma, wrinkles, and hyperpigmentation will likely see the most benefits, but it’s similarly ideal for patients of all ages.

We do, however, caution those with rosacea or cold sore vulnerability to seek alternative therapy. Don’t worry – we’ll determine your treatment candidacy during your consultation, and if alternative therapies need to be discussed, we can do so at that time.

A Revolution in Facial Treatments

Even precious metals need a periodic polish to maintain their glow. Your face, even more precious, is no different. Whether you fulfill a 12-step skincare regimen at home or infrequently wash with a little water and soap, the DiamondGlow can exfoliate and rejuvenate your skin. In short, it is the perfect way to energize your appearance.

If you’re ready to have your skin feeling and looking its best, contact Invigorate Health at 615-288-4777 today to schedule your DiamondGlow Facial Treatment, or book by clicking the button below!

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